At this point, is it better to adapt your published work for a film or a cable series? With the success of the NBC's Hannibal (an adaptation of Red Dragon), is it possible the big networks will now take series length novel adaptations more seriously? With several novels adapted for Netflix based series, will this become more widespread if/when webseries become more prevalent?
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They've been adapting novel series for ages. The formula is to find a bestseller, option it, then hire screenwriters.
That's adapting someone else's work. Self published writers adapting and hawking their own work seldom meet success, unless they plan on funding the film themselves.
And what should they be doing?
Jaquiline - there's more than one reason they're called 'vanity' presses. It's all about ego, and what better validation than a film? Really underhanded vanity presses take huge advantage of this by offering up lots of useless promotions for major cash.