So I talked to my scene partner today during rehearsal and she told me that she just got an agent. Of course I was happy for her but not so much for me because I sent out my headshots and resumes through email almost everyday and didn't get one call back yet. She told me to mail in my pic and resume and I would most likely get a call back from somewhere....advice? is it true? What should I do? BESIDES build up my resume.
By mail is better however search hard for a good agent or wait till they find you. I got excepted by an agent but decided not to go with them cause they weren't picky (they picked half the people that walked in).
Just saw I used the wrong "excepted." Bahaha! My bad!
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I've judged a few local beauty pageants before and for some reason "most photogenic" almost always went to a girl with her head-shot done in B/W!