Good evening everyone! I hope that this day finds you well! I am a human being that loves science fiction. I give credit to Aasimov, Bradbury, Wells and Roddenberry. I currently have at least 41 works in the makings. The bulk of my work is science fiction. Other than sci-fi, I do have works that are fiction, horror, childrens and non-fiction. For a complete listing of what I am working on, feel free to visit At this point in time I am looking into agents, directors and producers concerning my works. I am also looking into and asking for people to give me honest feedback as to which/what projects that I should complete. Your honest feedback is GREATLY appreciated! Thank you and blessed be!
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I agree with this quote from your website: "What’s the difference between crazy and eccentric? The answer is simple… MONEY! No one calls a rich person crazy. They are merely called eccentric. A poor person is called crazy and gets locked away." Now, I must say that rich people, when truly crazy, are thus deemed crazy. But when a poor person is eccentric, they are deemed crazy.
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One thing I noticed in your blog is that you use "bitched at" and "bitched out," quite often. My Mom used those terms, so I felt some nostalgia for the 70's before all of the awareness-raising about the gender bias of using the term bitch. The way you use it doesn't have that bias, i don't think, and I'm glad someone hasn't let political correctness whitewash their writing. That being said, my suggestion is that you are more specific about what the person did and said that made you feel bitched at. Distinguish between their behavior and your feelings. Turn the bitched-at dynamic into a power exchange; an interaction with an emotional dynamic. Make each bitched-at/bitched-out (BABO) moment unique. What is the same in each BABO defines what you mean by BABO, and what is unique to that person's BABO behavior defines (partially) that person. Then, each BABO of each person is unique. What differentiates that instance from the other times they BABO'd you? How do you BABO people? How do people respond to your BABO? What is always the same? What response is unique to each person? Do you BABO different people in different ways, or is your BABO moment more about how you cope with the world in general, and a coping mechanism for that specific instance?
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Sounds like a pretty heavy schedule, welcome!
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James, I agree with you about the BABO. Both of those are truly a matter of one's own perception and perhaps clarification is needed to define each BABO. Thanks for the insight! I appreciate it VERY much! :)