With over six hundred contacts on Stage 32, It still surprises me at just how little correspondence I receive from filmmakers, even if it's nothing more than asking for a score quote. Is it that everyone is still concentrating on networking on Facebook .....Any thoughts?
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Sometimes I really don't know what to say other than respond to questions or look for crew members. I decided to try a question in the cinematography lounge to see if a discussion starts up. I think this site is more focused on our industry and not a place I would share personal events in my life. I'd be open to discussion.
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Hello Brad, You might have started something here! It is great to have discussions with members that we add. I am happy that you've asked. I do read post and discussions by members and I also look at some of the videos that are posted. Maybe, somebody that is reading this right now might need to know the answer to how much a score would be quoted for a project they are working on. Just like Mike, I'd be open to discussion and I'm looking forward to what others might share in this thread. Tahiera
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In my case, frankly, I'm not looking for composers... I've got three I'm already juggling on my various projects, with another half-dozen who keep in touch with me regarding wanting to compose for me. Okay, so that might sound a little dickish (and with research showing that when reading on-line written communication most people automatically presume the most negative tone as default, I'm sure it does - LOL!) But look at it this way: I'm a low-budget independent producer who rarely has money to pay composers fairly (not to mention what they THINK might be fair! ) and still I'm swamped with creatives hoping to get a tiny paycheck and another IMDb credit in working with me. When it comes to working with creatives, I (like pretty much every other producer I know) tend to work with friends first, simply out of the presumption of a baseline of talent. Brad, I've no doubt you're an amazing composer - but so are my friends. Since "talent" is presumed, how else do I make the decision other than go with the known over the unknown? For what it's worth, I don't have many financiers or distributors hunting me down to want to work with me, either... so on that end of things I'm in your shoes. - C (...I should say "legit financiers or distributors" - the fee-for-service bottom-feeders can't get enough of trolling on the social networking forums looking for fish to fleece... )
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Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond. Everyone has a valid point. It just surprises me a little that more filmmakers are not at least curious about rates for scoring. But, it's like you said Calix, looking to your friends first is the best way to go. If anyone finds themselves needing a score just message me and I'll be glad to give you a quote. Film scoring is not my sole source of income, so I can afford to be very reasonable with my rates.....Thanks All, Brad
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Good morning to all. I was very interested in this conversation. Katherine, I would love to keep in touch with you. I looked at your website. Tahiera