Your Stage : Needing some funding help to get a 3 minute movie trailer for my film script THE POSSESSION OF INNOCENCE! by Robert Sandage

Robert Sandage

Needing some funding help to get a 3 minute movie trailer for my film script THE POSSESSION OF INNOCENCE!

Hello everyone, This is my first film script that I have ever written. I am looking for funding to create a 3 minute movie trailer to promote my film script on YouTube, Facebook, or any social media websites to find someone to buy my script. I am going to be setting up at under RobSandage. If you you would like to donate a $1 it is greatly appreciated or what ever you would like to give to help out. Thanks again! Rob

Rebecca Ferrell

Have you looked at using software to generate your own or go to a art school and look for some student interested in working with you on one.

Rebecca Ferrell

Do you know some film makers now who could help you produce a example video?

Robert Sandage

No I have not looked at going to a art school Rebecca. Where I live at they unfortunately do not offer classes in film. I have tried to finish off my AA and was accepted to film school down in Southern Illinois University. The people in the financial aid department tell me getting into the film industry is not guaranteed. Well nothing is guaranteed anymore these days. I can try to get a film student at the University Of Illinois to possibly help in this. Armando Alejandro to answer your question click on Believers on the Crowdit page. It will take you to PayPal for you to donate my friend. I hope that helps you out.

Meeta Jhunjhunwala

Do it yourself...

Robert Sandage

I would love to do it myself but I do not have that kind of money laying around. If I did then I would have it posted up already.

Robert Sandage

Jacqueline I am still a rookie at this and learning about this. I do not intend to explain what my plans are in the 3 minute movie trailer. What I intend doing is taking the main parts of the film that explains what it is about. From there it shows the characters in the film but not giving the complete plot of the film. I have discussed this with a friend of mine that will be producing the trailer and the movie. We have discussed on what actors we wanted for the movie. One of the actors is a friend of mine on Facebook and the other actor the producer has spoken to his agent. The agent said his client only will do movies when the script is done. We are still filling the roles. One of the actors I wanted did not get back with me. So she is out of the project. There has been some money raised by 7 believers and I am sure if more believers jump in to help the numbers will go up. The intentions of making the trailer is to have the film executive and others see the plot to understand what is going on or plans for the movie.

Robert Sandage

The script is about finished now. Tonight I sit down to have an hour session with a film executive to discuss about my script. I will be having it ready to pitch.

Rebecca Ferrell

best of luck.

Robert Sandage

Thanks Rebecca! So far 7 people donated some money and I have $7 right now built up. There is still 73 days for me to reach my goal. Seeking help. If you only want to give a dollar like these 7 people did it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you once again! Rob

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