A story of ambition, betrayal, and the pursuit of the almighty dollar, Western Heights is an upcoming web-series produced by J.A.C.E Films and Media founder and executive producer, Joey Lamar. A cautionary-drama centering around a group of ambitious and head-strong young adults developing a controversial and risk-taking documentary project that can either break or make their career in the film industry. This 10-episode narrative series will deal with how a group of aspiring filmmakers will face controversary, betrayal, threats, deception, heart-break and plenty of risk, revealing the behind the scenes life of a film crew that is struggling to make it into the film industry. Some will fall, some will rise, but they will all struggle trying to make a name for themselves. Therefore, if interested and want more info regarding casting, please contact our Executive Producer, Joey Ashley at WHseries@mail.com and join our event page on the link below! Hope to you see next Saturday at the casting call! Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/191588850993852/?fref=ts