Are you the type of actor that the audience naturally trusts no matter what you do? How far can you push that trust? What would you have to do to break it? These are the kind of characters that the audience lives and breathes with, the ones the audiences shares pain and joy with. Can you come in to the casting and bond with us and make us experience the journey with you while laughing our asses off.? We are currently expanding our cast for a sketch comedy stage show with the possibility of filming the sketches professionally for our growing youtube channel. We're interested in acting talent, comedic talent and musical talent. The roles are 'expenses only' and we're looking at part time rehearsals over July and three nights performing at the beginning of August. Ideally, we would also rehearse intensely the week before the show's run. We'd also like to film the most popular sketches after the show if the cast are willing, but if you are only available for the stage show, we understand. If you are interested and free this Saturday 13th to come for an audition send me your resume or showreel at