Screenwriting : Page Awards - Quarter-finalists listed by Richard "RB" Botto

Richard "RB" Botto
Gretchen Elhassani


Philip Sedgwick


Patrick Walters


Richard "RB" Botto

Well, thank you, Jacqueline - and everyone else who sent along good wishes. Yes, I entered two and was fortunate to have both advance.

Richard "RB" Botto

And Jacqueline, the list represents the top 10% thus far. Incredibly, including scripts entered in multiple genres, the Page Awards had over 7,000 submissions this year. Remarkable.

Vonnie Davis

Wow, Congratulations. I'm writing one about a Prince turned into a cinderfella.

Andrew Sobkovich

On the off chance that there was ever any doubt in anyone's mind, Richard's scripts are both quite amazing. Script writing contests are an entity unto themselves, but the recognition of achievement must still be a nive thing. Good on ya!

Richard "RB" Botto

Andrew...Great to see you around here, man! Thanks for posting and the good words. You're always too kind and generous to me.

Richard "RB" Botto

J, I agree, 7000 scripts is staggering. Even the Nicholl didn't hit that milestone until a couple of years ago. Just goes to show how many people are giving their dreams a run, which is a terrific thing, in my opinion. I've been around long enough to know that these things are terribly subjective. I have a friend who has been a Page finalist who didn't even make the quarterfinals of the Nicholl with the same script. You simply can't get too high or too low when it comes to contests. The one thing you can control is assuring that the script is as tight and lean as possible. Then you release it into the ether and see what happens.

Laura Koons

Congratulations to RB (for 2 scripts - show off! Yeah, no doubt about it... you rock!) and another Stage 32 family member Persephone Vandegrift for making the list!

Andy Davie


Beth Fox Heisinger

Congratulations RB!

Jessica Rose

How exciting! I bet you are elated! Congratulations!

Nikki April Lee

I was hoping I had made it but didn't. Congrats to you RB. True inspiration.

Jacqueline Delibes

Congrats! And I very much appreciate this comment from RB: "You simply can't get too high or too low when it comes to contests. The one thing you can control is assuring that the script is as tight and lean as possible. Then you release it into the ether and see what happens."

Richard "RB" Botto

Nikki, don't let it get you down. As I mentioned, these things are ridiculously subjective. Your script may have been read by a reader who doesn't like the genre or maybe just had a bad day. That's why you can't get too high or too low with these things. Take constructive criticism from people you trust. Use that information to help tighten the screws. Trust your work.

Richard "RB" Botto

Thank you, Jacqueline. It's something I believe wholeheartedly. And it took me some time to get there. But, truly, if you listen to every single opinion, you'll drive yourself insane. And if you treat a contest as the is all, end all, you'll really lose your mind. At some point, the work is "done"...At that point your job becomes that of a marketer...You have to get the work seen. And, of course, you have to get on to writing the next one.

Janet Clarke

Richard, don't know you yet...but congratulations! (I'm there, too...we've all got to support each other in this! ) Cheers, --J

Richard "RB" Botto

Great news, Janet! Wishing you the very best of luck moving forward!

Janet Clarke

You too, Richard... Hopefully we'll both make Semis... :) I know of a few other writers that are in the running as well. Cheers! --J (Which genre did you submit in?)

Richard "RB" Botto

Thanks, Janet! I had one in Drama and one in Action/Adventure. How about you?

Janet Clarke

Hey Richard - mine's in horror. (Not slasher or anything like that, mind you. More creature/gothic stuff...) IE: something that I'd love to have Guillermo del Toro do...! Good luck to us both!

Richard "RB" Botto

Color me intrigued, Janet...Best of luck with it...Hope it goes the distance.

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