Hi Greetings from Iceland. I've been performing most of my life on and off in stage musicals, cabaret, Celtic folk ballads, plays, movies etc inbetween voluteer charity work around the world. Been having a bit of break from performing this last year as I "accidentaly" started a souvenir candy business in Iceland which is booming but needing my guidance and focus in it's early years. I dearly miss performing so going to make a splash on Reykjavik cultural night in August. :) I'm originally from Scotland and found it difficult at first performing in Iceland as the culture here is to give the performer "space" and "privacy" and so they almost never come up after the show to congratulate your or ask for autographs. Two years ago I was performing in several places in the US and was overwhelmed by the openess of American audiences. I have to go perfrom there again soon :) I am working on a 2 hour show aimed at menopausal women, which will involve cabaret/big band style singing, self help talks, live oil painting while I relate it to the layers of a womans life and life flower arranging while comparing each type of flower to the different types of women and the care we need. It is called "The Pearls of Pauline". LoVe Pauline