Introduce Yourself : Sharing and Caring by Art Sprunger

Art Sprunger

Sharing and Caring

Just wanted to tap on your windows and intro myself. Although my brother, Tim, is the real artist, composer, inventor, creative genius (working on a musical for Broadway, former creative person with Disney, visual artist, painter, inventor of many things including US and European patents pending on way to enhance your coffee drinking experience, etc. and is a truly experienced starving artist, I have a bit of multifaceted intrigue in all areas of the Arts myself. Have many projects in the wings, but not ever going to be able to get many to the full production stage. My life devotion, however, is to make a difference in other's lives, primarily as a catalyst for personal freedom from the bondages that so easily take over one's life. Emancipation Therapy(tm) is the result. I have a passion especially to be available for those working in the Arts, as a Professional Confidant(tm), life-strategy coach, counselor, therapist. I like working outside the system (no one needs to know that a person is seeking consultative support) and therefore provide my professional caring and sharing on a case by case basis. One's faith is personal and must be explored and adopted personally, but it is an extremely important dimension of the work I do. Respect is also very important to me, both to give and hopefully, receive. I am here for anyone in Stage32, should you like to explore whether there is a place I might be able to play in the context of life you are in, to encourage, counsel, challenge, inspire, emancipate.

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