Screenwriting : Scripts that you'll probably never use??? by Shay McLean

Shay McLean

Scripts that you'll probably never use???

Does anyone have any scripts that they'll probably never use (or sell) gathering dust that they'd want to give for me to "dabble" with? I'm jonesing to make a film! :)

Shay McLean

Thanks Woody. Love your ideas although it seems to me you're looking to sell your stuff! I'm in no financial position to buy a script outright at the moment unfortunately.

Shay McLean

Okay, Sean...if you were to write a short logline, what would it be? I'm trying to get more of an idea of what the story is about.

Shay McLean

I've done that one already Cory. It did surprisingly well at the local film festival. ;)

Shay McLean

Hmm...stage scripts...might work depending. Beggars can't be choosers! :) I'd be grateful to read them!

Shay McLean

Jacqueline - NO - I said I'm NOT being picky.

Shay McLean

Manda - since you're asking, I lean more towards psych thrillers, action or sci-fi but I wouldn't mind a romcom, dramedy or straight-up drama. I'm pretty flexible. I like most genres really. As I said earlier - beggars can't be choosers so whatever you're willing to throw my way I'll take a stab at. If it happens to really strike my fancy - I'll put it up as a project and try to get some funding and do it proper.

Mark Souza

Feature or short?

Shay McLean

Mark, feature preferably but I'd entertain a short. I'd also be willing to entertain a web series if anyone is just "bubbling" with material. lol

Shay McLean

I don't want to own anyone's work. Their scripts are their scripts - I want to work with writers and do some projects. Call it a collaboration if you will. :)

Shay McLean

Thank you for the info Cory. :)

Shay McLean

Sure Jacqueline, send it my way. Message me direct and I'll give you my email address. Thank you kindly! ;)

Lance Eliot Adams

Hi Shay, I uploaded a couple short scripts to my profile. I also like to collaborate with other filmmakers to explore ideas and create interesting content. Let me know if you'd like me to send you my feature script as a writing sample. Best, Lance

Ben Trebilcook

So many!

Gretchen Elhassani

I have one! "Most Murders Happen in the Kitchen" No budget, 1 location, cast of 4, drama/thriller

Shay McLean

Josh, looks like you need a re-write (PATERNITY) and you'd be good to go.

Shay McLean

Josh, that's a possibility. I would entertain that sure.

Shay McLean

Josh, please - that would be wonderful. I'm interested in the skit but not the commercial. Thank you so much. :)

Shay McLean

Corianna, no I don't have a budget...yet. I have already found one project which I am going to be working on finding funding. I am still getting scripts (inundated, really) and if I find more that really light my heart on fire, I will do whatever I can to find funding for them too or find a producer. Hopefully that answers your question.

Pedro Vasquez

Hi Shay: What sort of scripts are you looking for - in what genre?

Shay McLean

Pedro, Comedy, Action/Advent., Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Psych. Thriller. Thanks for your interest! :)

Shay McLean

Hey, just want to thank everyone - including the people who have contacted me directly! The overwhelming response has been wonderful! THANK YOU ALL!

Geraldine E Nesbitt

Shay, I am a novelist who, a couple of years ago, did a course in Adaptation here in Amsterdam. Somehow, I just don't seem to get around to actually doing what I planned - turning a novel into a screenplay. Would you be interested in adapting my novel for the screen?

Randall Roffe

You can see mine on my page

Pedro Vasquez

Hi Geraldine: If Shay's too busy, I can try turning your novel into a script if you want.

Shay McLean

I'm not a much of a writer Geraldine but it sounds like you have a bite there from Pedro! :)

Patrick "pH" Hampton

You looking for shorts features ect?

Shay McLean

Patrick, sure Patrick.

Patrick "pH" Hampton

I have a few shorts I don't mind handing off for someone to play with. 5-7 pages each. Good for learning nothing extremely complicated.

Jason Prugar

Shay, I have a short that's in the vein of The Island. It needs some work but if you're interested ,let me know.

Shay McLean

Jason, absolutely, shoot me a quick message and I'll give you my email address.

Shay McLean

Patrick, message me and I'll give you my email address - thank you!

Shay McLean

True Cory. I have found my first project on the list so far and will be adding to that list but luckily the people I am working with are not obscure - just me! :)

Shay McLean

I've got a few good feature length scripts...any more shorts out there? You guys are awesome! I can't thank you enough!!! Great talent out there!

Shay McLean

You got it Catherine!

Eoin O'Sullivan

What genre are you looking for and do you have a budget in mind?

Michael Gutierrez-May

How can I contact you?

Janet Scott

Sorry guys... the creators.... was just about to delete... won't make the mistake twice.

Tabitha Baumander

I have a load of stuff on the loglines and screenplays of my profile. Take a look and let me know if you want anything.

Shay McLean

Eoin, any genre and no - I have no budget in mind. Just kidding. Low budget - micro budget. Unless it's something that blows my mind and I feel like I need to be pitching it to Spielberg. I am not a producer, first off. I find myself in that role and personally - it sucks - I hate it. But you have to do what you have to do. If something knocks my socks off though and I see it in a certain way and the only way to get it done is with a budget that I can't afford on my own, I will attempt to find a producer to get the funding I need or I'll end up having to do it but again, I really hate that role. Did I mention I hate producing? :)

Shay McLean

Michael, you can contact me here on stage32!

Eoin O'Sullivan

You can check out loglines and scripts in my profile

Randall Roffe

I have 2 shorts and I change them regularly

Janet Scott

When you post loglines on your profile... can you post a one or two page treatment ... Is that acceptable?

Michael J. Hitchcock

I might give up one of my early scripts. Check them out. If you're interested, let me know.

Shay McLean

Just wanted to revisit this original post and say THANK YOU to all who responded, gave selflessly and willingly. I appreciate it and what has came of this is AMAZING, INCREDIBLE and has been absolutely stunning to me. Not only have multiple film projects ensued but talk of a production company with multiple parties of Stage32'ers has come up. So, this is just beyond ridiculous in a wonderful way. I can't thank you all enough. What started off as a mere request to "dabble" with some scripts has become an incredible undertaking and a whole new start on a path that could become something very special, not just for me but to a lot of folks. I'm a firm believer in collaboration and this is a testament to that. You give and you get. None of you knew me from Adam but you went out on a limb and gave your "babies" to me and you can't put a price on that. Where is this done anymore or anywhere? HERE - that's where. It's the only place I know of. Stage32 is like the island of creativity where people can feel safe with each other to collaborate amidst a sea of shark-infested waters. Crappy metaphor (if you can call it one, but I'm not a writer - lol). I can't wait to see what the future holds for us all. So, again thank you all so very, very much. ~ Shay

Janet Scott

Kudos to you Shay.....

Shay McLean

Thank you Janet. I feel the kudos really belong to the creators of Stage 32 and the members of Stage 32 as a whole really. So, kudos to us all! :)

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