I'm looking for an artist(s) to help me finish my sizzle reel/animation bible for a TV show I'm producing that features the voice talents of Mark Hamill (Star Wars), Kevin Conroy (Batman), Gary Anthony Williams (Boondocks), Jonathan Mangum (Whose Line is it Anyway?), Jon Heder (Napolean Dynamite), Michael Dorn (Star Trek) and many, many others. I have some original sketches for the project done by Comic Book legend, George Pérez (Teen Titans Creator). I'm not looking for a ton of work, basically taking George's sketches and my vision and creating new style versions of the main characters, some 360's and a few background images. If you're interested in getting involved in a project that has a lot of great potential. Please private message me and we can talk compensation and the potential for future collaboration as this project progresses. Thank you.
im 3d artist. sounds interesting can you tell me more.
Hi, I am a CG artist actually working on a couple of short and feature movies. I am also producing the sci-fi animated movie "Apostone - resurrection". More info here: http://video-fuel.com/video-fuel/movie.html www.facebook.com/alain.tartevet I look forward to hearing more about your project.
Hi I am an independent musician/producer if your looking for music for this send me a message and we can work something out. Regards Nige
I won't be able to do this, because I'm about to be start back going to film school, but have you checked out the Blender community? https://www.facebook.com/groups/2207257375/ This is more of an amateur site. The professional groups involved with this software are here. http://www.blendernetwork.org/ and here: http://www.blenderartists.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?52-Paid-Work There are some amazingly talented artists here. I mainly handle ands, graphics and architectural visualizations. I know my character animation skills need a lot more work to reach their levels. In case you're wary of using Blender to do the 3D work check out the Blender Channel on YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/user/BlenderFoundation
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Hi, Warm greetings, Hope you are well. I am Jay. “We are a specialist IT Outsourcing services,CAD 2D,CAD 3D,Multimedia animation.”We have a dedicated freelancer team of professional’s who are backed by experience and expertise. Please check our work portfolio. To provide you cost, at least we should have details of characters/objects, backgrounds, storyboard, Sound & targeted quality. We are requesting you to share your concept/idea or storyboard with us along with reference link, if any. Please check our video sample. http://vimeo.com/69601770 (Cartoon Story) http://youtu.be/bIghkLDLa00 (Cartoon Story) http://youtu.be/3cvIgU_NNrw (3D Model) http://www.astrologyon.com/#!multimedia-design/c7q6 Looking forward to hear soon from you. Thank You. Have a Nice Day...! - - Warm Regards Jay Skype :Jay.mistry50 SAM (Skype: sales.astrologyon) Website:- http://www.astrologyon.com
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Hi Jay, My background is in Fine Art, and I have worked for the last 15 years in film and video production, mostly as a CG artist and compositor, sometimes on feature films. I have also directed music videos for broadcast. My latest project which I directed can be viewed here, it's a pitch / concept teaser for a feature film. Every shot was green screen. I comped and graded them all and carried out all of the CGI work. I also edited the piece. https://vimeo.com/70731996 My website can viewed here: www.stevenpaulwheeler.com My email address is stevenwheeler22@hotmail.com