I am going to LA in November to do some workshops and audition to casting directors. I need to have a monologue preferably in an american accent. I have been searching for so many months and cant find anything for my type. Judging from the last group which went out there, they were looking more for something a bit edgy from us british actors who go out there. Any ideas, something which can show me in a strong light. I have until November to get it spot on, my time is running very very short. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Hi Angela, I've found a few interesting monologues through this site - http://www.actorpoint.com/free_monologues/0a.html - good mix of modern and classical pieces, hope this might be of some help!
Thank you Genevieve for this link, its very useful. Have a blessed day. x
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Language lessons from a guy like me
I just need to perfect my American Accent.