Introduce Yourself : Screenplay Writer by Robert Offley

Robert Offley

Screenplay Writer

My name is Robert Offley. Looking to network and hopefully get my screenplays out there. Feel free to request me.

Cheri Dodd

Hi Robert. Nice to meet you. I'm pretty new here also. Wanna sit at the lunch table together? LOL

Robert Offley

Sounds like a plan!!! Lol

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, Robert.

Eve Morton

I'm fairly new here also. Look forward to networking with you.

Babz Bitela, President

HI there, Eve. Welcome.

Eve Morton

Thanks, Babz. This is a great site. I'm so glad to have found it. I'm on here now more than I'm on that "other" networking site. I think it's called Bodybook or something. :-P

Janet Scott

Hello there Robert... waving from the land down under.

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