Screenwriting : How Much is Too Much? by Tom Rawding

Tom Rawding

How Much is Too Much?

Right, so basically I was wondering how many screenplays/projects do you work on at a given time?

Crystal Page (aka Brecht Von Scribblé)

I have a list of projects. I may work on one for a few day and then another. But when I really dig into a project, my mind and labor is on one at a time. Usually I work on one script for about two weeks and can move on. But I keep a journal in case new ideas, outlines, songs come to my brain. If it flows you better ride the wave ;-)

Dana Lin

About half a dozen. Normally only write one at a time, all others are in edit/rewrite/polish phase

Janet Scott

Glad to see that others do the same thing... Multi tasking. When you get stuck on one, you can jump onto another.

Alex Sarris

ATM I have 10 features in development though only write one at a time.

Shanika Freeman

I am currently writing five shorts, a novel and two feature length plays. I honestly would prefer working on one project at a time, but my creative ideas buzz at the strangest of times, it seems. It's all about multi-tasking but also staying present when writing. Being sidetracked when writing definitely shows, so it is a must to stay centered/present.

Janet Scott

Shanika.... You got it right. Stay in the present. I do that, concentrate on the one I am working on intently at the time of writing. You do lose yourself in the thought that is needed at the time of writing.

Tom Rawding

Interesting! Seems in general people like to multi-task, the reason I ask is I have about 7 projects I want to write at the moment, although I worry that if I do that it'll compromise the quality of my script. My biggest worry is if I'm working with so many characters from different scripts at once, will it weaken them? Has anyone got any experience with this?

Dana Lin

I think the more you write and keep at it, the more you'll discover your own pacing and productivity level. It's all a learning curve all the time. Have fun with your 7 projects!

Steven P Baer

I often have several projects going on at the same time… a first draft, a rewrite, a research project, etc. What often happens is, like cream, the strongest project rises to the top and becomes the main project. As far as time management goes, I break my workday into four parts: 1] Reaching out (to producers and others) 2 & 3] Writing sessions and 4] Research.

Beth Fox Heisinger

I tend to focus on one screenplay at a time. First, I do a lot of research and then ruminate about the story for quite a while, figuring out plot points/characters in my head before I even sit down to write anything.

Larry Kostroff

A little too formulaic for me, Steven, but working on several projects at the same time is the my best antidote for writer's block. Every writer finally finds the system that works best for them. The bottom line is whatever keeps you at the keyboard.

Tabitha Baumander

one at a time always

Randall Roffe

at least ten. They go through permutations. I listen to advice from my focus group, from actors and directors I respect, and from anybody who's willing to put up the money.

Janet Scott

Really glad to know I am not alone.....

Janet Scott

I write children's stories in between writing script, and stop if I need to write a fifteen page sample for competition, then it is back to script, and should the need take me.... onto finishing or starting another children's story. Right now, my story book stories take first priority. Could have three on the shelf for Christmas...One in particular... being a Christmas Tale needs to be..... Then back to bashing out one of my scripts. I have a comedy script that needs to be aired. Anyone want to co-write....

Scott Gunn

Great question, Tom. It's interesting to hear how others prioritize their writing projects. I always have two scripts going at any time, plus a list of new projects I want to start on when one of the top two is completed. New ideas for scripts come up almost weekly, and I keep those in my "to do" list. Regarding the two scripts in process, I try to focus on only one each day. I've never had a problem getting the stories confused. But I work a regular 60-hour week not related to writing, so I only get to write at night and sometimes weekends.

Nicci Hartland

I try and work on one at a time but while I am working on one I get an idea for another I am working on. Sometimes I could be working on 2 or 3 at a time.

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