Gabe Kaplain as Batman. You know? Welcome Back Kotter teacher. ohh ohh Mr Kott'air in my best Vinnie B..AKA J Travolta. Not quite Cinema but after school. LOL! That is a tough one. Lucille Ball maybe or Sidney Poite' ? Not sure of the spelling For the Money ? T Cruise or V Diesel
Hi Rome, if I have one actor to headline my children's movie it would have to be a Nicole Kidman. She is beautiful and Australian which would make the movie for I need a mother who is just right to play Mary Sumeridge.
Hi Rome, I'm going to have to go with Michael Fassbender. His performances in both Hunger and Shame show that he has immense talent and deserves to get recognized for that work.
Michael Fassbender all the way, although Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Edward Norton, and Daniel Day-Lewis are my other favorite actors. I agree with Andrew Unvericht that Michael Fassbender is immensely talented and deserves to get recognized. I think Hollywood's been extremely kind to Michael Fassbender for quite some time. I think there's a reason SHAME is my all-time favorite movie along with AMERICAN PSYCHO.
I first noticed him in X-Men First Class which sparked my interest, he single handily made the movie great. Afterwards I had to check out what else he did Shame is by far one of the best dramas out there cause it doesn't hold back or get restrained. Hunger showed me the brilliance of him and Steve McQueen Nd I really hope that the two of them knock 12 Years a Slave out of the park.
12 Years A Slave will be a monstrous Oscar contender, Andrew. Its trailer was beyond amazing and that's something Academy likes. By the way, the Academy can never be forgiven for the Oscar snub they handed to Michael Fassbender for his portrayal of Brandon in SHAME.
Ryan Gosling was also snubbed by the Academy for his marvelous portrayal of a getaway driver in DRIVE that year, but I was rooting for Jean Dujardin for The Artist and he won.
I want to put Hugh Jackman (as a normal human) with Anne Hathaway - after seeing that frisson moment between them a couple of Oscars ago. But if I only had once choice it would be Dustin Hoffman.
It's impossible to choose, so: A cross between James Dean, Wesley Snipes, and Klaus Kinski.with some Lawrence of Arabia flavor.--- and Ripley woold still win.
For me it would Mr. Lionel Barrymore aka Mr. Potter.
Gabe Kaplain as Batman. You know? Welcome Back Kotter teacher. ohh ohh Mr Kott'air in my best Vinnie B..AKA J Travolta. Not quite Cinema but after school. LOL! That is a tough one. Lucille Ball maybe or Sidney Poite' ? Not sure of the spelling For the Money ? T Cruise or V Diesel
Don't think I am far enough behind the times here lols
Basil Rathbone would be another.
Robert Downey Jr...hands down both.
Jodie Foster
De Niro, Pacino, Keitel.
Chris that is good....I will top you....De Niro Pacino and Washington.
River Phoenix
Victor Mature.
Russel Crowe
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Daniel Day Lewis
Donald Sutherland....
Morgan Freeman
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Hi Rome, if I have one actor to headline my children's movie it would have to be a Nicole Kidman. She is beautiful and Australian which would make the movie for I need a mother who is just right to play Mary Sumeridge.
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Hi Rome, I'm going to have to go with Michael Fassbender. His performances in both Hunger and Shame show that he has immense talent and deserves to get recognized for that work.
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Andrew, Michael alone in my eyes made X-Men first class and loved his small part in Inglourious Basterds.
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Michael Fassbender all the way, although Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Edward Norton, and Daniel Day-Lewis are my other favorite actors. I agree with Andrew Unvericht that Michael Fassbender is immensely talented and deserves to get recognized. I think Hollywood's been extremely kind to Michael Fassbender for quite some time. I think there's a reason SHAME is my all-time favorite movie along with AMERICAN PSYCHO.
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I first noticed him in X-Men First Class which sparked my interest, he single handily made the movie great. Afterwards I had to check out what else he did Shame is by far one of the best dramas out there cause it doesn't hold back or get restrained. Hunger showed me the brilliance of him and Steve McQueen Nd I really hope that the two of them knock 12 Years a Slave out of the park.
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12 Years A Slave will be a monstrous Oscar contender, Andrew. Its trailer was beyond amazing and that's something Academy likes. By the way, the Academy can never be forgiven for the Oscar snub they handed to Michael Fassbender for his portrayal of Brandon in SHAME.
Charlie Sheen.
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They really can't be forgiven. His performance as Brandon in Shame was more heartbreaking and real than any other of that year
Armando...which Charlie...pre crazy or crazy?
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Ryan Gosling was also snubbed by the Academy for his marvelous portrayal of a getaway driver in DRIVE that year, but I was rooting for Jean Dujardin for The Artist and he won.
me lol!
Rome ---- LOL.... I like both... I've been fan of Charlie since WallStreet and Platoon and I can't separate the two...
Oh trust me I can Armando...pre crazy Sheen was awesome with such hits as Ferris, Platoon, Major League, Wall Street, Men At Work.
I want to put Hugh Jackman (as a normal human) with Anne Hathaway - after seeing that frisson moment between them a couple of Oscars ago. But if I only had once choice it would be Dustin Hoffman.
Clark Gable
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Joan Crawford
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Joan Crawford was amazing actress.
Bogart and Bacall. Definitely wouldn't want Will Farrell as Batman.
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Jack Nicholson.
Jim Carrey
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Dead or alive?
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Toss up between: Peter Sellers or Sidney Poitier
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It's impossible to choose, so: A cross between James Dean, Wesley Snipes, and Klaus Kinski.with some Lawrence of Arabia flavor.--- and Ripley woold still win.
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Kathleen Turner
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Charlie Chaplin
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William Powell, Carole Lombard
Marlon Brando
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Cary Grant
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I would have loved to work with Peter Sellers.
Jack Nicholson--no--Humphrey Bogart--no--Michael Douglas--no
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Katharine Hepburn