Animation : 3D Showreel by Chris McKenna

Chris McKenna
Bianca Emery

Wow, Amazing, I Love It! It Would Be Great To Have Your Work Seen On Our Upcoming Network, Beacon Entertainment Network, Which Will Be Seen Through Wisecast Television! If You're Interested In Finding Out More Information Check Out Our Website,!

Rebecca Ferrell

Hello, I really love your animation. Are you currently working on anything?

Janet Scott

I get the sense of the Lost Clown in the big city, looking for the circus... If it were a show, I see the clown reminiscing of old times... wandering life in spirit... re-living the memories through his visions... The audience seeing the memories through the eyes of the clown. What a sad show... smiles.

Gary Gibbons

Good job Chris

James David Sullivan

Was that Forrest BMP? ;-)

Dirk Z. Gombos

Reminds me of Max Headroom with some cool texturing and 3D effects for Rendered 3D.

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