Screenwriting : Calling all screenwriters who write in the romance/drama genre... by Ryan Henry Knight

Ryan Henry Knight

Calling all screenwriters who write in the romance/drama genre...

I want to try out something new and write a romance. Normally, I tend to write horror screenplays. Any tips for writing a romantic drama?

Nkosi Guduza

I've never taken this road so to speak, but an idea... investigate how novelists do, journalists writers, find your paradigm that way... a good showing story telling good detail should arise? :) But how long you might have to investigate i.e. go undercover... now that I would like to know :) ...if you do it! :)

Patrick "pH" Hampton

RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH! Watch films and read the scripts to get an idea of what style you would like to go with.

Dennis P. Mitchell

Once you do your research, build up the character relationships. That helps in romance/dramas.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Collect scripts of films that you admire and/or that are somewhat similar to what you are writing, and study them thoroughly!

John Ward

Just as everyone has said above: watch films and read scripts to learn the genre as thoroughly as possible - then figure out how you can put your own twist on it.

Christine Koehler

Watch Romance movies you enjoy. By that I mean, watch MANY Romance movies. And I also agree with Beth, read scripts! Then wright from the heart and pull out the emotions you've experienced when you were in love!

Anahita Mostajeran

in my mind it's better we write each we like

Eoin O'Sullivan

Nora Ephron seems to have mastered that genre. Normally I avoid Rom Com or romantic dramas like the plague (just not my cup of tea!) but i was strong armed into watching You've Got Mail and I enjoyed it for what it was. As per previous advice, watch films you like and read the scripts.

John Lovins

romantic drama, should have romance and danger elements in it

Dustin Bowcott

If you need tips, then maybe you should stick to horror.

Janet Scott

What would you imagine the... Romance to be about ?

Janet Scott

That would be interesting Jacqeline... what would you suggest out of curiousity... mmmmm

Janet Scott

Girl falls in love with a guy, her girlfriend insanely jealous... tries to convince girlfriend, the guy is bad news...boyfriend tries to convince girlfriend to get rid of her best friend... Mmmmmm Thinking...

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