Hey all. I'm Bart. I'm a screenwriter and novelist mostly with two produced features, eleven movies for television, work on four series, and two novels - my first HONEYMOON WITH HARRY bought by New Line/Warner Bros. for a feature film. I've also had eight plays produced around the world. You can check out my produced credits on IMDB.com. Presently, I'm doing rewrites on a script I sold to Lifetime Network for a movie for television and finishing up my third novel, AFTER OZZ, which I'm doing a series of three books. I lived in L.A. for 30 years and moved to St. Louis to raise my two sons and be closer to family. But I head to L.A. every few months for meetings. Good to meet everyone here. The thing I miss most about L.A. was being around creative people every day. And that's where things like Stage 32 help fill that gap for me. Be blessed!
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Amen!! I am starving here in Decatur , IL!!! I know this was an old post but I had to holler that out! LOL