Filmmaking / Directing : Director/writer by Jean Guy Jacques

Jean Guy Jacques


Hello... I spent 35 years in Hollywood directing animation commercials and Saturday morning shows. The last series I directed was ‘Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat’ for Sesame Workshop. I am now semi retired and I’ve been writing action thriller novels. My first novel is entitled ‘THE BABY FACTORY’ has been published and is available on Amazon and Createspace: and on Createspace: ‘Bad Day for Harry Day’ will be publish in a month.

Kirk S.

Wow! That's exciting! I too am writing a novel, a mystery novel about two kids finding a body of a woman. It's called Mirror.

Jean Guy Jacques

Hello Kirk... I'm glad you're writing a novel but do you have an agent ??? They're very hard to find. What I did, I wrote to 20 agents that had email addresses (you can find them on Yahoo or Google) telling them what i was working on. My stuff was parodies Monty Python style, and one agent replied and said she wanted to read my story. and bingo... lucky me, she liked it and gave me a contract. Try it and good luck. Make sure you have a Synopsis, that's all they wanna read.

Janet Scott

Welcome Jean... Looking forward to reading your posts...

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