"Hi, My Name is Cheryl Taylor, Author Of Broken Bones Volume 1 and 2, My Newest Books are Tear Down The Walls,and Back Stabber's. One of My Dreams is to make My Books into a Stage Play one day. I'll love to see the Characters come to life."
Great to have you here, Cheryl! We have a ton of novelists here on the site. You'll feel right at home. Don't forget to add a headshot when you have a chance. Many 32'ers are reluctant to accept network requests from those who don't have one. But, as important, adding a headshot will also allow for your profile to be eligible for all search results throughout the site. Thanks!
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Great to have you here, Cheryl! We have a ton of novelists here on the site. You'll feel right at home. Don't forget to add a headshot when you have a chance. Many 32'ers are reluctant to accept network requests from those who don't have one. But, as important, adding a headshot will also allow for your profile to be eligible for all search results throughout the site. Thanks!
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Thank you for the warmed Welcome