Introduce Yourself : Hi! I'm Peggy Eldridge-Love and I live happily on the tip of my pen everyday. by Peggy Love (Rush)

Peggy Love (Rush)

Hi! I'm Peggy Eldridge-Love and I live happily on the tip of my pen everyday.

Hi! I'm Peggy Eldridge-Love, a screenwriter, playwright, novelist, and poet. I'm new to Stage32 having posted a script I had put on back burner for a while hoping it will catch fire again. Someone at the top chain of the literary division of one of the Big Three actually held on to the script considering it for several months a few years ago, called it "evergreen" though complex, telling my agent at the time on three occasions they wanted to continue to hold on to it until finally he shared their decision to ultimately pass was only because another (major) client had just released a book with a similar theme. Disappointed, I tucked that screenplay away, buried my head in the sand, but it's my "Rocky" so I have dusted it off again to share here as a sample, if nothing more. I have a number of romantic suspense novellas Ebooks I write under a pen name, some that do quite well, I am a fairly frequently published poet under my real name, and -well- just love living on the tip of my pen. It is a pleasure to be here and I look forward to getting to know many of you much better! I will never hesitate to help or open a door of opportunity for you if it is ever in my true power to do so!

Chrissy Laboy

Hello Peggy I'm an aspiring actress. Lucky to have been busy & continue to thrive in the industry. I enjoyed reading your post. Best of luck in your writing & all that life has to offer. Congrats on dusting it off & picking up again. Cheers, Chrissy

J. Christopher Dunn

Sorry to read about your script being held hostage. I'm sure 'disappointment' only scratches the surface of how you felt. I love your "won't give up" attitude!

Peggy Love (Rush)

Thank you Chrissy and J. Christopher.

Chrissy Laboy

You're welcome! All the best!

Debbie Elicksen

Isn't that how all of us write, Peggy? Putting manuscripts on the back burner? Or maybe it's just us. lol. Great to meet you.

Peggy Love (Rush)

Debbie, it is indeed! Nice to meet you too. I just read your ultra impressive background. Amazing.

Pat Savage

Welcome to stage 32!

Peggy Love (Rush)

Thank you so much Pat for the invite and the welcome!

Pat Savage

Thank you for connecting! :)

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