Screenwriting : New to the Idea by Denise Baer

Denise Baer

New to the Idea

Hello All, I self-published my dark, psychological suspense novel, Net Switch. When I gave it to my editor, she could see it go commercial instead of into a book. My goal was to publish a book, so that's what I continued to do. After publication, I've had many people tell me that they could see it as a movie. Now I'm thinking about writing the screenplay for it. One big problem is I never wrote a screenplay. I looked into software and it seems Final Draft and Movie Maker are the two big software applications. Can you tell me which one is better? Any additional advice is appreciated. Have a great day! Tschüss! Denise

Denise Baer

Thanks so much, Jacqueline. This helps. I saw the cost of Final Draft and Movie Maker, and I've been hesitant on buying one or the other. I haven't made a definite decision on attempting a screenplay, but now I know I can try it at no cost.

Janet Scott

Jacqueline is right.... Go Celtx....

Denise Baer

Thanks, Janet.

Mark Walker

Yeah, CELTX is a great place to start. I have upgraded to Final Draft recently, because it gives me a few more options that I had on CELTX and I enjoy using it....but....its a great place to start learning. Use the free one and then upgrade when you are ready!

Johnny Landolfi

I heard Final Draft is much better....also thank you for the connect !

Janet Scott

Final Draft is excellent.... no doubt about it. Celtx is a really good introduction on how to. I use both.

Steven P Baer

I use Final Draft.

Denise Baer

Thank you all for the responses. I appreciate you giving me your input. I downloaded Celtx, so we'll see where this takes me. Now to learn how to write a screenplay. :)

Janet Scott

Enjoy.... I know you will.....

Patrick "pH" Hampton

Honestly. If it is that good of a book I would give it to the hands of a professional screenwriter. They will give more credit to your screenplay then you writing it yourself. The only question is do you want to see it as a film? There is a huge difference from screenplay and a novel.

Denise Baer

Hi Patrick, I think my book is great, but what writer doesn't think their novel is great. Having someone write the screenplay costs money, and I'm always up for a challenge. I do know there's a huge difference, which means I'm willing to try to write it. I know the plot and characters better than anyone else, so I need to turn it into action. As much as I would love to see it as a movie, there's no guarantee I'll get my book into any filmmaker's hands whether I write it or someone with more experience. I'm a self-published author, and I don't know of any self-published books that were made into a movie. But ... one can always dream and try.

Michael Nielsen

You may want to check out Celtx for a cheap effective screenwriting software option. Good luck!

Janet Scott Here is another option that is just a good.... really friendly community too....

Denise Baer

Thanks much, Janet. All of these are great recommendations. I'll check Scripped out.

Wayne Smith Jr

I use Celtx.

Darren E. Johnson

As someone said earlier. Doesn't really matter which software. The software isn't going to write it for you. It just provides an easier route to formatting. Worked on Hollywood and commercial sets for a long time and Final Draft was the standard, therefore I stated using it and still do. But, I also use Scripts Pro on my iPad and iPhone. When I started out I just did it in MS Word. Whatever gets it on the page ultimately.

Darren E. Johnson

Also... In terms of learning. I'd start with the classics: Syd Field's 'Screenplay' and Robert McKee's 'Story'.

Denise Baer

Darren, thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into the Classics.

Pat Savage

Syd Field's 'Screenplay' and Robert McKee's 'Story' are a great way to start! I go with Celtx, to start too :)

Bill Kautz

FWIW, which probably isn't much, I recently shelled out around $40 for the latest edition of the "Hollywood Screenwriter's Directory," mainly for the e-mail listings of producers, etc. Well, I scanned the first few pages (A through B), saved them to a PDF file, copied that and added the names to a Word file, for ease in cutting and pasting, then separated them into four categories, with particular interest in those who said they accept e-mail queries. Guess what? First, well over 90% either won't, don't provide a valid e-address or have gone out of business, or were a one trick pony! Any whose e-address began with "mail," "submissions," "info," "query" and a few others use a service to kick 'em back as undeliverable. Add to that number, ones who will never see the query and yep, $40 and a whole lot of time wasted. Number of responses? Zero! However, just for the meanness, I sent five to outfits who said they do not accept unsolicited materials and had one to request the treatment and another the script I was peddling.

Jonnie Dean

Would like to hear about Net Switch, Are you planning to make a video trailer pitch for investors?

Denise Baer

Hi Jonnie, I haven't written the screenplay yet, but I made a book trailer for Net Switch. It's under my profile. As for a video trailer pitch for investors, I've never actually heard or thought about it. I'll have to read up on it. Thanks for mentioning it.

Jonnie Dean

That's ok, i think when you come to making a trailer, It doesn't have to be too high of a budget, they will be looking out For potential of the idea more, it's worth working on concept art/storyboards too.

Denise Baer

Thanks much, Alexanda. I appreciate your honesty and input.

Denise Baer

I appreciate your input, Cayden. Thanks.

Alisa Vernon

I've heard good things about Final Draft, not much about Movie Maker. I use Celtx screenwriting software. I like them very much. My advice is to shop around. I know Celtx and Final Draft have free versions.

Aimee Pitta

It doesn't matter. But as a techno phobe Final Draft is idiot proof and really easy to own.

Denise Baer

Thank you all for your input. I downloaded the free Celtx desktop program, so we'll see where it takes me.

Bill Kautz

One can save a script written on MM to FD an several other formats, as I recall, including PDF. It also will do breakdowns, script revisions and much, much more, and with other ($) additions/programs, ALL the paperwork, including budgets, a producer and director must have to do the job.

Joseph Dale Kelly

Final Draft is better. There are things that MM does for prepping better than Final Draft. Also Check out Plot Control when first starting, it's still rough but the question it ask as you go, really help when first writing a screenplay.

Bill Kautz

With all the whistles and bells attached to the basic (writer's) program, it'll even make coffee, take the dog out for a walk and call your mother for you once a week (not really, but....). Those "extra" programs aren't cheap and there's no reason a writer should invest in them, I don't, but if you have a few million on the line, they're well worth every penny!

Robert Gosnell

Denise, if you have downloaded Celtx, you're probably fine. It should do the job for you. There is also a program called Scrivener which has formats for both novel and screenwriting, and is only $40.00 (last time I checked). If, at some point, you decide you're going to get serious about writing more screenplays, I'd suggest making the investment in Final Draft. It is the industry standard. Good luck!

Denise Baer

Thanks for the comments, Bill and Robert. I will invest in a program once I know I can 'actually' write a screenplay. I didn't want to spend the money only to find out that I'm having too much difficulty writing the screenplay and I don't have the time.

Trudy Lite

♥ If you can write a novel, no doubt you can write a screenplay. You just need to make it visual and action-based rather than descriptive :) It is essential that it's done in the right format. No-one takes any screenplay seriously unless it's presented in the right format. Love and Lite from Trudy ;) X ♥

Denise Baer

Thanks, Trudy. I appreciate your support.

Denise Baer

Great advice, Dan. Thank you very much.

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