Introduce Yourself : Composer and Director from Cancùn by Michele Cecchi

Michele Cecchi

Composer and Director from Cancùn

Hello all, i'm a music producer and filmmaker from Italy based in Mexico from 2009. Music and cinema are always been my life since i was a child; i studied cinema in Rome and at the moment i'm writing my first project (horror) as will take a time...but rush is not a good teacher isn't it? I wish you all a great experience here on stage32 and the best of luck!

Michele Cecchi

Ciao Elisa, piacere di conoscerti, io ho studiato all' ICTV Roberto Rossellini, credo sia la unica scuola di cinema lì

Joseph De Cross

Echo Madonna! Ciao Michele! Welcome to Stage32! Nice introduction, Michele! Buen dia!

Michele Cecchi

Ciao Joseph, thanks for the connection! Have a great day you too :)

Aaron Kaplan

Cancun is a glorious place. My daughter is thinking of having her wedding in Cancun as she is marrying someone whose family is in Mexico. I'm a composer in Dallas,Tx. area. All the best to you, Aaron A Kaplan

Michele Cecchi

Hello Aaron, i'm sure that will be a great wedding party, my best wishes for your daughter and good luck with all your projects! :)

Michele Cecchi

this is a work i did in 2007, I would be happy to know what do you think about:

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