Hi! I'm a senior in high school and am trying to research the entertainment business. We don't have drama as a course in my school so I don't even know where to begin! if someone could be fantastic and give me a few steps to get into acting or any tips, I would appreciate it to no end!
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Hi Marta, You might want to see if your school library has books on acting. If your school does not, consider the public library. If these have no books on acting, I know you can get them from Amazon. I hope this helps you. Best Regards, David
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Hi, Marta: I am a writer who does promotional work for actors in Los Angeles. I would suggest that you look in your town or nearby towns, for live theater productions, and find a listing for when those theater groups have open rehearsals. Talk to someone who looks like they're helping on the production, and ask about being put on a list to hear about auditions. Many productions have cast roles that can allow you to get your feet wet, without the pressure of a lot of lines. Also, I have done an article on The Acting Center in Los Angeles. Its acting approach is for the actor to simply Be that character. The idea is you don't force it, or act like you think you should act, you just allow yourself to give that character her due to live and breathe for awhile. I hope this is helpful. If you find you like acting, you will know it. You can then take on bigger stage roles in your community, and decide whether you want to explore this in school, or in some other way. Best wishes.
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Community theater seems the best way to go. But i would also suggest to read books about acting to get an idea about what it is like to be in the business. Try "The Intent to live"-by Larry Moss, it's a great book about method acting. If you've decided that you really want to be in the business you're going to need training, and lots of it. Go to Acting schools,classes,workshops. I would suggest to get classes about Scene Study,Improvisation, and movement. When you have enough training you could get headshots and go to casting calls or get an agent. What I would like to do is read any play that i can get my hands into and if i like it, I would use the script to practice at home. Acting could be your life's work so if you really want it go for it. Best of luck to you, Marta.
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Hello Marta, Community theatres are great! Also if you have a community college near by to get some units is always helpful. I would look into colleges that have great acting programs. A lot in LA if you're looking to apply out here. If you want some kind of training on your own time, Uta Hagen has class tapes that you can learn from. Her books, Respect for Acting, and A Challenge for the Actor. Those books are an amazing way to start out! Also the tapes! Good luck in your future endeavors!
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Safety First.
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there are a world of books on theater and acting hit up your local library or amazon