Filmmaking / Directing : Education or experience? by Bhavnisha Parmar

Bhavnisha Parmar

Education or experience?

Hello fellow creatives, I am a little new to this section having spent most of my time acting and was wondering if I could get some valuable advice from the other side of the camera? So, I have done all my past study/training in acting and I really wanted to branch out to Filmmaking, Directing and Writing. I am finding that a lot of entry jobs with production companies and on set work require a degree related to Film or directing. I think my main problem is that I do want to study the ideas through academics so I have a solid foundation in these areas (not to mention a chance at a solid job as even a runner/administrator) to keep me going) but a whole three years is going to burn an unimaginable hole in my pocket. Has anyone else come across the same hurdle and most importantly how did you cross it :) Are there ways of learning the same skills through experience and proving to companies that you are just as employable? Thank You

Omar Brown

Bhavnisha, I have a film degree and it has helped me in the corporate world. I worked for Penton Media, a B2B publishing company. The degree allowed me to make lateral moves within the company in online media markets. I am freelance now and my degree is just hanging on the walls. If your plans are to work for a company that is hiring people with a degree in the film industry, then you need to weigh your options in which school(s) will prepare you for today's work force. Having a degree does carry some weight with the independent production houses. If your dreams is to write, direct , act and produce films on your own terms, save your money for location shooting, catering, equipment rentals, insurance equipment, transportation, and the list goes on. Real world experiences is priceless and no school can give you that. What I liked about my film school is that I got one heck of a networking family for life. That all for now.

Patrick "pH" Hampton

Free work free work free work. You have to work your way up anyways. Experience key. If you want to write. Just write. PA work is key and branch out from there.

Bhavnisha Parmar

Thank you Omar and Patrick for your advice. I think as a beginner I feel that academics can only give me a foundation. But the leap into getting up and out there to realise your ideas is almost more important and something you do after school anyway! I was finding though that in the UK even PA work etc are asking for degrees etc. So I guess I was tied between getting a degree to get me to that point at least or just going out and doing it all on my own! Thanks again for the kind words!

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