Introduce Yourself : indie filmmaker Help for getting actors by Joseph Quiles

Joseph Quiles

indie filmmaker Help for getting actors

Hi everyone names Joe I'm new to the film making world Somewhat stock trying to make my upcoming film To get my foot in the door problem im having right now Is trying to get actors for my project Any help would Be nice :) ?

Janet Scott

Hello Joseph and welcome....Good luck mate with finding the actors.... you are bound to find some.

D Marcus

Can you be more specific? Are you setting up auditions and no actors show up? Are you posting a notice and not getting any applicants? Are the actors who do express interest not what you're looking for? You say your job is "casting director". You should have access to a lot of actors.

Armando David Rodriguez

aye mayne u need an actor im da Man, im YOUR guy. holla at me G. :)

Dani TwizDead

try posting on all the free ad site including Mandy, craiglist and kijiji be as detailed as you can when describing the characters people tend to adution if they can feel connected to the character they are supposed to adution for.

Joseph Quiles

trying craiglist found my crew and a few actors but they weren't serious about it. First I think I made the biggest mistake in hiring my friends to be actors in the first place so I'm trying to replace there parts .Sent emails to modeling agents to see if I can borrow there actors that now how to act around my area South Jersey

Pauline Flanagan

Definitely see if you can post on for serious replies!

Bill Shannon

We always double dose. We will post the casting call on Craigslist, but we also have an account on where we post it too. We tend to get a 60/40 split with the 60% coming from Mandy. If you got the CL route, don't be afraid to post in Philly and NYC since AC is a relatively short train ride from both. The downside to, posting limit. They want to you upgrade to most more than once a month I believe. Never had a problem, but could end up being one? Anyways, go for both.

Dani TwizDead

also try

Joseph Quiles

Going to check them out thanks :)

Maria Teresa

Hi Joseph, you can become a member of H.O.L.A. (Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors) and post on their page. All nationalities are members of this great organization.

Tressa Sanders

I've hired almost all of my talent from I've hired one person on Mandy and it's a good site but breakdown express is a sure thing. Post your breakdown, it goes out to all of their talent sites and you get tons of quality talent responding. Then you can hold auditions via ecocast where talent submit video or audio auditions (I use it for voice talent too). And they don't exclude your project because you aren't paying (so if you do a film challenge like the 48 hour film project where the rules state everyone must be a volunteer, you can still post for quality talent who is willing).

Lina Jones

Hello again Joe your in the right place just be patient.! Good luck

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