Financing / Crowdfunding : Falling Sands - Short Film by Emily Perry

Emily Perry

Falling Sands - Short Film

Hi everyone :) My name is Emily Perry. Here is a little about me … I am 14 years old and am determined to make a career as an entertainer. I love to dance, act and sing and spend all my time training and performing, here in Australia and also in the US. I have some really exciting news I would like to share with you. I'm making another movie - and this time, it's mine! "Falling Sands" is my first film script and my directorial debut (insert big grin here). Produced by Tan Rahim, my short film is currently in pre-production and due to be filmed in October this year with an expected release in early 2014 at a cinema in Sydney, Australia. I have a wonderful award-winning cast and crew who are all working hard to ensure a high quality production. It has been a pretty fun journey so far and I am amazed at the talent and experience of the team we have put together - and their belief in my film! On completion, I want to put the film into the international festival circuit and from the feedback I have received, will be keeping my fingers crossed that we can pick up a couple of awards. But of course, all of this costs money. Right? I want to raise the funding for the film myself - without having to rely on my wonderful parents who already provide me with so much support. I am running a crowdfunding campaign on Pozible and am also seeking support from corporate and philanthropic groups. I have some wonderful rewards for anyone who supports the film through Pozible. If there are any companies/groups who would like to sponsor my film, we can offer tax-deductible status on larger donations as well as the chance to have your name on the film as major sponsor, be mentioned in interviews and publicity and have your name displayed at the cinema premiere. Sounds like a great deal to me :) We have had quite a bit of interest from the media so far with stories in Arts Hub and Film Ink - which is a pretty big deal if you're not up to date with the film industry :) You can check out my Pozible campaign at Please help out if you can and if you could let all your contacts know so that we can spread the word, then that would be so great! Every dollar counts! Thank you. Emily :)

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