Hi there fellow Stage 32-ers. This looks like a great forum to connect to and share with others in all phases of 'the biz'. After owning and running a video production company in Orange County, CA I decided to bring my 20+ years of experience to the 'other side of the glass' and offer my services as a Voice Over Artist to others. Wow... Not only have an impressive list of projects and clients assembled in a short time, I have personally discovered a deep, new passion - and finally figured out 'what I want to be when I grow up' ;) What an incredibly exciting development to a Creative career in production, video and music! I'm happy to share my production experience and this new found success with others on Stage 32. So, feel free to reach out and say hi. And, if by chance, you are looking for a smooth, warm, authoritative, believable male Voice Over Artist, then please take a listen to my demo and recent projects for Mercedes-Benz USA, BMW, LifeLock and Yamaha among others at: http://www.impactgroup.com/vo.php. Thanks - and best wishes to all for much success!