Hello stage 32 people. i am Bicky Henriques. i am a new young independent director/producer for film/tv. i am currently looking for some screenwriters/scriptwriters for my teen comedy sitcom project. if any of you are interested in this project. i dont mind what part of the U.S.A or UK any of you are based. the teen comedy sitcom will be starring me & a special boy which will be co-starring with me. anyway the story line is based on 2 young people in their late teens such as me & the boy who are cousins & best friends they are in their first year of college. they live in the same apartment as they are got simular interest. however they are both young wizards that like to play & mess with magic alot & sometimes magic goes wrong. one is a half wizard & the other is a full wizard which would be me. but they both also try to fit in with other normal mortal young people to also lead a normal life aswell as being wizards. one wizard is a bit more devious which is me than the other wizard. one wizard is tidy & the other wizard is messy. both wizards like adventures also likes magical adventures which can sometimes go well & sometimes go wrong but they both try to stick together as much as they can in most situations but there are times when one wizard thinks best which they tend to argue about sometimes. although they are attend the same college they are studying different subjects to eachother. both wizards have part time jobs. but at college the boy wizard is studying video game desighn & the other wizard is studying chemestry science. tho they both like playing video games & messing with chemestry science sometimes mixed with magic which sometimes can go wrong. when things do go wrong they are famous for blaming each other but always got each others back no matter what. one wizard which is me owns a wizard wolf which would be my german shepherd dog Minx. both wizards got a good bond with the wizard wolf as the wizard wolf is always there to help them & keep them safe. but its me who got the better bond with the wizard wolf as he is my dog. the boy wizard is Latino such as Latin american. but i know who to choose for this role. im Jamaican origin but live in UK but this project can be filmed in America or UK or even in southen france. i dont mind. anyway i hope you screenwriters/scriptwriters will be interested in taking on this project & help me with it. as i know it will be a great series for all age groups to enjoy watching. thanx for reading. if any of you people are interested in taking my project on then you can reply to me on stage 32 or email me at djrastab1@gmail.com