My name is Alex, I am a film lover, designer, co-founder and CTO at We've built a great online tool which does an amazing thing: it helps small and big film production companies to manage the process of filmmaking. TheTakes has all the features that a filmmaker needs: screenplay import, autoparsing, breakdown, automatic production scheduling, storyboarding, sets, locations, actors and crew lists. If you need any help or have any questions on the production process, please feel free to ask, I’d be glad to help.
Thanks Emily!
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A lot of freelance filmmakers make films without a budget and don't have the funds to hire a p.r. firm/producer. How would you promote your client's work? I know it's not a question relating to scheduling or finding locations, but was curious.
Is this a proprietary software application?
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Lina, it's a cloud-based service, not a software you download