I was just shown this tonight by a friend who found it. Check it out, my very first IMDb list and I am NUMBER 10!! 2012 IS already rocking! [www.imdb.com/list/hqIqyarXQQs/][1] [1]: http://www.imdb.com/list/hqIqyarXQQs/
I was just shown this tonight by a friend who found it. Check it out, my very first IMDb list and I am NUMBER 10!! 2012 IS already rocking! [www.imdb.com/list/hqIqyarXQQs/][1] [1]: http://www.imdb.com/list/hqIqyarXQQs/
Thank you, Danielle! :)
Very cool :)
Thanks, Frank!
Thank you so much, ladies!
I think they are peoples made up lists that they think are the best in whichever category they choose. I don't think they are from the imdb people. But it's cool anyway to be noticed, so I am excited about it.
It says the list was created by Joe Mele who ranks himself at number 9... It is kind of like a favorite movies list. From the looks of Joe, and then how all the others are young girls... I'm just saying... it's pretty cool anyway.
yeah, I know. But still cool.
Aha congrats x] Im sure you'll become extremely well known soon .
Aww..thanks Onyx!
fantastic Brandi. Best of luck for 2012.
Congrats Brandi. Press in hon and "get er done." Much love 2 U, Paul
This is awesome! Well done :D
Isn't that cool?! Neat for me to see, sort of a glimpse of things to come? How are you, Jen?
They were for a bit, not much last couple of days. I had an AFTRA CB, but they must have gone with the local blonde bombshell, she was nice. But I have a lot coming down the pike. I VO, the 27th, which is most likely gonna be a monthly deal, then the trailer for The Hollow Oak, First week in Feb, And that's suppose to do their feature filming in June and over summer. Then my pirate play here in town is rehearsing with shows in March, And TG's Waiting for Wings, and maybe another one her mom is casting, then a short end of summer/fall time. Geez, just realized, I practically have my year full already! WOW! Didn't realize that until you made me write it all out! Now, all I need is something paying!! LOL A nice little speaking, paying role on a SAG FF will be the perfect year for me! So, I will still be in search of that, hopefully, It will happen this year. Maybe we can finally work together too, I would LOVE that!