Screenwriting : What have you learned about Sc… by Phil Rockwell

Phil Rockwell

What have you learned about Sc…

What have you learned about Screenwriting in the last 2 Weeks? or Last 2 Months? or Last two years? or all three?

Nathan Ross Freeman

You can give your characters too much power. And their journey can take over your story.

Harrison Freed

It's all about the character development (Arc) in story and I agree with Nathan when you give a character too much power it can take over your story, so it's good to put it down for a week and step back.

Kate Chaplin

That you get better with every new project.

Chuck Dudley

last 2 years -- the internet and social networking has made the process of writing, sending, and selling screenplays a little easier but the screenwriting structure 90 - 125 pages, 3 acts, plot points etc.. are still intact. Story is still KING. last 2 months -- you can connect with screenwriter groups via last 2 days -- rewrite as you write is very common with screenwriters (I wasn't sure if this was a bad habit because of the risk of never finishing)

Brendon Udy

Writing is rewriting. Gotta get that first draft onto the pages, no matter how rubbish it is. Then rewrite the crap out of it (after feedback from trusted sources).

Kristina Hughes

This video was helpful. I am working on a rewrite after I re-read a script we almost sold that I pulled back on the deal. You should check this out: "The Secret to Creating Real, Exciting, Authentic Characters that Resonate" By Seymour Englander, Professional Behavior Analyst & Writer Watch and listen as professional Behavior Skills Analyst & Writer, Seymour Englander of, discusses what is needed to create GREAT CHARACTERS.... [][1] [1]:

Kris Schrock

You will never make everyone happy.

Kristina Hughes

No but you CAN move your career forward by finishing, marketing, selling projects. Most people are in the The Business to make money and that's totally ok. Otherwise it's just a hobby. I look in the mirror first but I've got goals to attain and sometimes there's a compromise. Ok, pretty much ALL the time...that's why there are writers, studio execs. There's always a change that needs to be considered. :>) (and I like your name spelling Kris!)

Kris Schrock

that was an optimistic point of view..."what I've learned" was the responce was you will never make everyone happy...MANY people that dont learn this lesson early on will often become stuck and obessesed with them selves....I guess I just expected people to understand my statement...I did not realize I would be needing to include FULL definitions also. Thank you for your is a persons best tactic, I should know having a major in marketing! "just a hobby" is not alwasy a bad thing either, remember many great ideas and concepts have come from "just hobbies." More importantly is to be happy with your self, be happy with life, all the marketing and completed projects in the world can not accomplish that for you, it is only the individual who ultimately decides his/her future and direction.

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