Sone jerks are messing with me on Twitter. They keep sending me messages, saying that people are saying bad things about me. Some of them say you guys here and I know that isn't true. Just a heads up, if you all get one claiming that I said bad, that is not true. We are good and professional folks here and such behavior, we are beyond it. Happy film making:)
Don't fear, Wendy...Their accounts have been hacked. When people join Twitter, some try to "follow" a ton of people at once...Some accounts have a trigger which will basically hack their accounts and send out that message. Ignore them.
that's what I was thinking. thanks.
No problem...One of the odd Twitter quirks.
leave it to me, oddballs always find Wendy:)
Nah...Happens to all Tweeters eventually.
Ignore them, they don't worth it!
you make me laugh.
Best thing to do Wendy is to change your password. It's happened to me twice. It's hackers. Don't click on any of the links, okay!
thanks, will do.