Here's something you might be interested in!! User friendly state-of-the-art graphics!! [][1] Let me know how you all like it!! [1]:
Here's something you might be interested in!! User friendly state-of-the-art graphics!! [][1] Let me know how you all like it!! [1]:
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That's funny! I was just on it!! Let me go back again!!
Sorry, that's illusion MAGE! Incredible!! [][1] [1]:
Nice work!
sweet, now if I only had the technical expertise to get my prologue done like that :) would be a 4.5 minute wonderland
I think they are offering the software for only $77, unless they've closed that offer,...
it was $49.95, a good deal, i believe, if I had the expertise to use it :)
Well, they are raising the price now,... So, what are you doing these days other than computer graphics??
mmm, Alfred, I have a few programs I am using so for now I will pass it up. I am an author by design, so promoting my first novel madly at the moment. My computer graphics, design etc are mainly for promotion purposes. I would really like to start a project, with help of course, to animate or film my prologue from my book. How about you what are you up to?