Hey guys! I am a screenwriter out of Brooklyn NY. Always looking to meet/network with other writers, actors, directors! NYC let's discuss and MEET UP! xx, E
Hey guys! I am a screenwriter out of Brooklyn NY. Always looking to meet/network with other writers, actors, directors! NYC let's discuss and MEET UP! xx, E
I'm in Brooklyn as well and I'd love to meet some of the local peeps.
HI, I'm a screenwriter/musician and would like to also meet up in New york. I'm from Brooklyn too. Debbie
In Brooklyn.. lets meet up!
I'm in Brooklyn, too! Would love to meet up folks!
Has anyone thought about where and when we should meet. I'm working the Tribeca Film Fest next week. So weekends are good for me.
Since we're all in Brooklyn, we should just meet in Brooklyn. Park Slope perhaps since it's pretty central-ish.
Park Slope would work for me - how about after the Tribeca Fest is over, since some people are very busy working - Would Friday, May 11 at Union Hall from 7-11 pm work for most people? Or would the tea lounge be a better place to hang?
Maybe Tea Lounge would be better but that would work for me.
I would love to be a part of this. Currently, I am in Paris but will be returning to NY April 28th. Aside from a wedding May 12, I can keep my schedule open.
Friday nights will be tough for me. I have a connection with the amazing bar 61 Local in Borhuem Hill that would allow us a private room.
A private room would rock - then we could talk! Tea Lounge gets pretty insane. Do you think they would give you a private room on a weekend night?
The private room at 61 local sounds good, since most people so far are from Brooklyn, this would be a good place. Weekends seems to be the best bet for most folks. Since most people work. or a Friday nite. let me know.
This is awesome! Let's do it guys! How about the second weekend in May? Thoughts...
I must arrive nice and sharp at a wedding that weekend, the 12th, but if it's on for then, I will surely make the next one.
May 12th at 61 Local works for me!
Hey Guys we just opened up a new studio in Brooklyn and we are up for hosting industry events let me know if you have any interest. www.lightspace.tv
so can we get a head count for may 12th? does anyone have a suggesiton on how to alert more stage32-ers to this event? xx
Count me in.
Michael, are you offering your space? At this point, I don't think we're in a position to rent out a space for this informal first-time meetup. However, if you want to display the measure of your generosity and earn some goodwill with some local filmmakers by having us in open-house, that might work.... Someone can chime in if I'm speaking out of turn.
my sentiments exactly todd! peobably best if we stick with a bar for now though!! maybe for the future we coudl work this out with an alcohol sponse...thoughts lightspace?
wow i can type today!! monday, mondayyyy..
We would be happy to provide space for NY and Brookyn filmmakers to have a informal meet up. We have tables and chairs and a huge space to hang out in. If people brought some beers and snacks we are happy to host. We are in Bushwick like 5 blocks form the Morgan stop on the L. Let me know the times and the number of people.
Emily I posted a an answer to your question about how to spread the word on the meet-up on our side discussion that started April 21. :-)
Hey michael, that is very generous of you. Do you have availbility on the 26th of May? I do not want to rush things and want the maximum amount of people to attend! Let me know and we can start squaring away other details...though it will most likely be BYOE (everyhing!) Thanks! xx
We are here that weekend its on but it is memorial day weekend so there might be a lot of people out of town. Let us know what you decide.
images up at www.lightspace.tv
Please keep us in the loop as to how this Stage 32 Meetup is coming together...We'd be happy to send some shirts along!
Good call michael...i will think on this and let you know...probably best to make it another weekend! Thanks!
Can i get a head count/ space availibility for saturday june 2nd?
Are we not meeting on the 12th anymore? Maybe we could meet on the 12th and discuss how we could utilize lightspaces in the future (maybe shoot a project :D). I would think it'll be easier to convince people to come and buy drinks at the venue than to BYOB on the first meet-up. What do you guys think? Is the private room at 61 Local still available, Audrey? If not, we could probably just meet up in one corner of the place or something. What do you guys think?
if we get enough people coming id be happy to get a few cases of beer and snacks and charge like $5 a head to cover the costs. Let me know what you guys think. Would love a rep from the website to come to the event would be great we have a lot of space. Let me know if you figure out a date.
Hey Michael, do you have a specific number in mind? Emily, count me in for June 2.
Jaclyn i dont think we need to meet the 12th. I will make a group and try to gauge demand so we can see how much booze etc to buy...good call michael. My email is mlemoore@gmail.com email me to discuss so i can lock all this down and send out the invite! Thanks guys!! Xx, e
Hey guys & gals, Count me in on the meet up for the group, I see there's still not a specific date for the meet, Weekends are good for me. i'll keep following the chat. Debbie
Im up for anything, 10 to 100 people we have plenty of space let me know what you guys put together and what date so we can get it on the calendar.
I would like meeting you, definitely, but, unfortunately, right now, i am in Spain, little bit far! Anyway, I will let you know when i´ll closer there! cheers deb
Is the meetup still on for tonight or is it being rescheduled?
Hi, Todd - this thread was to figure out a time & a place. Look at Emily's last post above - she asked that people email her directly to discuss, and she will come up with the time & place then send out the invite. :-)
Hey guys! I will be sending out the invite today! The date is Saturday June 2nd! I am coordinating with Michael as to a time, etc. Please RSVP on the invite (+1's encourages but please account for them) so we can prepare. Most likely we will purchase beverages, etc ahead of time based on the headcount and charge a VERY mimimal entrance fee of $5. Cool? Michael also came up with the great idea to encourage people to bring clips of their work and have a little viewing party! More details to come this week! But mark your calendars!!!!!! xx
Hey Emily...Thrilled to hear this is coming together. We'd love to send along some shirts. Please shoot me a message when you have all the details worked out! Thanks!
hey guys! plese see my mot recent post in 'meet ups' for the finalized details for the event! thanks! hope to see you all there! xx
Thanks for organizing this, Emily...You have a box coming your way.
Is there a link for the invite? Please RSVP me. Not sure about the +1 or not yet.
Hi Emily, I have been working with another NYC stage32 member on organizing a large NYC meet up in the city at a public venue. Can you send me your info so that we can work together? Maybe we could join our efforts?
You can RSVP to the Lightspace facbook event page as well if you have a Facebook account. https://www.facebook.com/events/405273069507032/
I can be reached at mlemoore@gmail.com.
Great idea, Greg...Thanks for continuing to push this along.
Hey Emily, I emailed you about the NYC Meet up. Still interested? Greg
How was your event this past weekend? I hope it was a success! I mentioned this before, but if you're free tonight please stop by my event for a drink: Pig & Whistle on 36th, Upstairs 202 West 36th Street, Near 7th Ave 7-11pm cheers!