I'm a 77 yr old first time filmmaker living in the Bay Area. I'm producing a documentary using filmed interviews with those of us who were kids during WWII. We are the children of the greatest generation. I will have a rough cut after Christmas, a finished 43 minute TV quality film in summer of 2014. The film is titled Greatest Children. I was a 5 yr old tap dancer in Hollywood with a big band, Kay Kyser, entertaining at the VA hospitals so I saw what happened to the men who were wounded in the war. So I have a real early history of WWII. We have an original score titled The Greatest Children theme. My purpose and passion at 77 is this. After film is finished to hit the road, form a national alliance with some veterans organizations, and launch a tour of special events with my presentation of my life in WWII, show the film, and have Veterans organizations share what their needs are so that many more people can get involved. I need a partner - the film is financed, and I have applied to the IRS for non-profit status. I just plain old need help. Museums, senior centers, Chamber of Commerce organizations could put together a great fund-raiser for veterans around my film. I'm Patricia Weaver ! www.patriciaweaver.net Thank you so much!
This is my Rosie the Riveter look,after a trip to the Rosie museum in the Bay Area I have adopted a "new do" Rosie style, circa 2013. It's good advertising leading to conversation
Way to GO! Pat "Break A Leg!" with everything you are doing.
Thanks Glenn, sometimes I think I've lost my mind - which sometimes is a good thing. Enjoy the holidays. Patricia
Wow Pat that is fantastic! You go girl!!!
That's awesome! Go get em'
Frankly, I'm totally out of my zone from here on in. Need just about everything. Creative ad campaign, creative people to put together some sort of unusual special event for my film, my talk, and form an alliance with vet groups. Just got the paperwork ready for iIRS for the non-profit stuff, which was a bitch to get together. So need all kinds of help. Knowing how the universe works, help is probably on the way. Thanks for inquiring, my contact level is not what it use to be either. Have a great thanksgiving - Patricia