Introduce Yourself : PrEditor (producer/editor) in Nashville by Jason Goldston

Jason Goldston

PrEditor (producer/editor) in Nashville

Hello, I'm currently in post-production on an educational documentary about integrating community service into education. I'm on track to have it completed by the end of the year. I teach digital film production and post production when I'm not working on projects as a freelancer. As things slow down for the holidays, I'm always looking to connect with other professionals. I'm open to new collaborations for 2014.

David Andrade

Cool! How did you get involved in such a documentary?

Jason Goldston

It was my wife's idea, actually. She was doing that in her classes and I got involved. I commented that I had never heard of it, but it was very inspiring. She said, "why don't you make a documentary about it so people will know what this is?" So I did.

Ashesh Ramjeeawon

i am in pre-production for a documentary on the first school of cinema in my country..

David Andrade

I like it Jason! Do you have a blog about it?

Brady Watson

That sounds awesome Jason! I'm actually a recent documentary film school grad living in the Nashville area. Let me know if you ever need any help on future projects!

Jason Goldston

Yes, David I do have a blog on it. Unfortunately, once post began, I stopped updating it. I didn't think anyone wanted to see screen grabs of software apps. It's not as exciting as images from the production shoots. Here's the site page for it:

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