XXX Gallery and China Independent Filmmakers Association present Shanghai Shorts – Film Industry and Creatives Networking Event When: 13:00-17:00, Sunday 15 December 2013 Where: XXX GALLERY XXX Gallery is Hong Kong’s truest underground arts space, encouraging: New music New art New interactions XXX is in Western Hong Kong’s burgeoning arts district: B/F, 353-363 Des Voeux Road West Sai Wan, Hong Kong (between Whitty St and Hill Rd, eight mins walking west from Sheung Wan) B/F, 德輔道西363號,香港 Contact : Richard Trombly +86 13818837641 WHO: This is an event for film makers , directors, producers , actors, artists, agents, musicians, indie film aficionados or creatives of any sort. WHAT: Looking for a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon? Come to this unique arts space and have a drink with old friends and new acquaintances. We have a selection of Shanghai-shot short videos made by independent film makers. A selection of them are from Shanghai KINO and from the Shanghai Meiwenti Short Film Contest – groups that inspire community-based film making. We hope to meet local indie film makers and inspire more indie film makers. This event aims to bring together creatives of all kind to inspire more creativity and a stronger arts community. So show up, meet some creative folks, see some fun short videos and enjoy the atmosphere of the XXX Gallery. As a bonus, HK artist Collins Yeung will be on hand with some of his latest art.