I'm an independent italian filmmaker from Sicily, This is a good place for search people for collaboration, in particular a producer for my next project (shortfilm).
I'm an independent italian filmmaker from Sicily, This is a good place for search people for collaboration, in particular a producer for my next project (shortfilm).
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Welcome aboard Gaetano...if I can assist at all in getting your films out there happy to do so. I love your beautiful country. Best for 2014 Milt www.firstritesfilms.com
Thanks very much, Milt. I'll keep you in mind. :)
Cheers Milt
I would love to be part of any future project. Check Out My Site http://nicholas-patrick.com
Cheers will keep it in mind! Best for 2014 Milt
If I'm not mistaken both Marco Verdura and Riccardo Milanesi are local to Italy. Marco lives in Milan now and Riccardo may still be in Voghera but both are filmmakers out there. Maybe you should see if you can locate and reach out? They did this site too http://www.fablegirls.com/ in case that helps. Good luck!
Phyllis A. Collmann-I am a retired nurse also I have written a wonderful Pioneer Series of 8 books, that would make a great movie. The first 2 books have been written into a movie script. www.collmannwarehouse.com