ATTENTION: SEEKING CREW POSITIONS Scene Designer – Someone who is an interior designer or set designer for films. That can design a room to the characters personality. Must be able to adopt the set for the characters lifestyle. If the character is rich the environment should match it. Someone who knows how to make a room go from boring to exciting with just a few simple moves. Wardrobe Person – Someone who wants to be a fashion designer or is interested in fashion and would like to get into film for fashion. Someone who would know the characters personality and be able to mix and match clothing to fit the character. And also, someone who would be able to make an outfit from scratch. Film crew - lighting technician, DP, sound mixer, boom operator, editor, PA. Looking for people who really are interested in trying to get into these positions for film. Or someone who just wants to help out and learn. If you have your own equipment that would be a plus, but if not that’s OK. Music Person – Someone who can help us create beats, background music and record some songs.