Screenwriting : The Travelers by Clipper Ordiway

The Travelers

After a months long wait for the show, I watched "Alien Planets Revealed" on PBS/Nova. NASA has confirmed it's first planet in a habitable zone (earth like). Kepler-22b is located 600 light-years away they say. If I heard them correctly, they said it would take about one million years for us to arrive there with our current technology. While I was outside smoking, I was kicking the show around in my head. I thought "Wouldn't that make a great movie?". Suppose a mission was created to send humans to Kepler-22b even though it would take one million years to get there. Suppose the plan was for the travelers to sleep the time away in one form or another. 500,000 years go by. The earth has advanced tremendously in technology. Over the years, the travelers were forgotten but due to a glitch, the information about them still out there is revealed. In true "Star Ship" tradition (like in Star Trek), The new generation sets out to find the travelers. I haven't thought passed that point yet. Maybe the movie could be about the travelers found in space alive and the technology shock they receive. Or even continuing on to complete the mission to Kepler 22-b and what they find there. I think it would make a great movie written, produced and directed by the right people. Any ideas, pros, cons?

Clipper Ordiway

That's an interesting reversal of the way I was thinking. Your version reminded me of the "Planet of the Apes" when they discovered the statue of liberty and realized they were in fact... on earth. Thanks for the comment.

Clipper Ordiway

Awesome. My thing is, even though I have a children's book (badly written) published, I do not consider myself a writer. I did that for the grand kids. I know very little to nothing about screenwriting or how to make a movie. I am just one of the many sheeple who work nights at a major retail outlet eeking out a living. Maybe if I am lucky, someone will pick up on my idea and run with it. On another note: I listen to Coast2Coast at night sometimes. Some of the guests on that show talk about the possibility of earth having past civilizations that died out after they destroyed themselves. Like Atlantis I guess. Humanity just started over as you said.

Simon © Simon

Great imaginations. The basis for everything. I liked the twist of back to Earth as though... You know the USA is culminating a colony for Mars as we speak....

Antonia Jones-Hackley

I think you both are awesome.

Clipper Ordiway

Thank you for your support everyone. Much appreciated.

Mark Souza

Series idea (the base idea yours so use this if you want to), man has advanced a million years and by the time the travelers get to Keppler-22b, humankind are already there - have been for hundreds of thousands of years. No one went looking for the travelers, they just passed them by on their way to their new world. The travelers are celebrities when they arrive, curios, anachronisms, totally out of place and light years behind technologically and socially. That sets up the basic conflict that can drive a series week after week. You can have Beverly Hillbillies-type culture clash humor and misunderstandings, as well as true social commentary on the state of mankind and whether what we've become is any better than what we were.

Antonia Jones-Hackley

Is anybody gonna write this?!!!!!

Mark Cabaroy

I don't know would people even looklike people anymore? I mean we been evolving for lets say 50 to 100,000 years from like proto humans to today and look how much we've changed. Now we are on the cusp of technology to alter oursleves. Mapping DNA, unlock the human genome. I don't think we would be recognizable in a million years by current human standards and that might be where you story lies. Especially if you do it from the point of view of the future people. They could look like the creatures in Avtar or even more advanced. Ijust think if you tell it from the point of view of the travellers it would be just another monster movie.It should be an arc where generations of people live and work that falls through a rip in the fabric of space/time and winds up at the planet after only travelling for say 1,000 years. This way you can have them see these alien creatures already inhabiting the planet and the twist could the aliens are just a more advanced form of human.

Liam Lionheart

This reminds me of a TV series I liked a lot 'Earth 2'. I do like your concept however when they arrive at the planet, they learn it's only been a week or month since they left earth. Shocked, the travelers also learn that the aliens want them as slaves, and have been to earth several times to capture small groups of humans. Which would explain missing people through out time.

Antonia Jones-Hackley

Oh funny thought, based on your comment Mark, takes me back to the episode of the Twilight Zone when the girl turned 18 and it was time for her to get changed into a newer, young body like all the other girls and there were specific models that people could change to. If you look at most of the plastic surgeries done now, many of them look alike as it is. Why isn't anyone writing this!???

Darren E. Johnson

Great idea.

Clipper Ordiway

Thank you Darren.

Wayne Douglas Johnson

Yes and when we arrive , As the universe is round, it is inhabited by apes...and 'man' are the animals. Now that, would make a good movie. But then you fill it with so much CGI that it becomes a movie about Mechanical creatures , battling in the ocean from a raft with a mounted machine gun. Not so good of a movie.

Clipper Ordiway

I think "man are the animals" has been done before... and re-done. A raft from space may make a good comedy.

Wayne Douglas Johnson

Or... Lost in Space... I am surprised that they haven't redone that series - AND why oh why, do they need to redo Giliagan' s Island.. Why can't they simply have 7 similar characters end up stranded - With no phone reception --AND My biggest remake peeves.. Why cant they redo the 007 movies with different 00 agents, Give 009 his own name and his own characteristics and CALL him something else. He has all the backing , as the original and wont have to be live up to Sean Connery . BACK TO writing ...

Clipper Ordiway

I agree. "Agent 99... They missed it by... that much!".

Mark Souza

They did redo Gilligan's Island - it was called "Lost."

Wayne Douglas Johnson

I was speaking more of the silliness , light hearted of Gilligan's Island That sweet formula of problem or situation , and solve it in 23 minutes. With a few laughs along the way. Making a radio out of coconut shells... I, as a viewer wouldn't even mind if the new cast members reference their favorite episodes. AND slowly taking on the char·ac·ter·is·tics of the original cast.. LOST , lost me thou I was told that it was ....Good.

Liam Lionheart

I have heard that Gilligan's Island is being made into a feature film.

Mark Cabaroy

yes with Josh Gad writing and starring as Gilligan I wonder if he's going to go on one of those crash diets and lose weight.

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