Hey Guys! Looking for a prop master and set designer to work on a short wilderness film! Should be super fun. PM me if interested.
Hey Guys! Looking for a prop master and set designer to work on a short wilderness film! Should be super fun. PM me if interested.
Any chance you could mention where this is shooting?
More info please. Wilderness film...where and when?
So, I am still figuring this site out... And just saw where these posts are. Sorry for the delayed response. We are looking to shoot end of Feb begin March either in Idyllwild or Arrowhead. Location scouting next Tuesday. If you guys would like to read the script it's attached to my loglines link in my profile under Tooth & Claw.
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Hey Gary...As I mentioned in my last post, listing this in the FIND WORK section will help you monitor and streamline all the responses. It's also where people on the site go to look for gigs. Best of luck with everything.
We might be pushing shoot dates to end of April. If you're up for it. I'll keep you posted.