Read this in today's issue of Filmmaker Magazine and was shocked.. Would love to hear from the community about the article:
Read this in today's issue of Filmmaker Magazine and was shocked.. Would love to hear from the community about the article:
2 people like this
A good reason to never pay attention to media.. for me it's just terrorism in sheep's clothing..Those whose thought are centered around lack, fear and limitation attract more of the same. On the other hand, people like myself believe in limitless possibility and innovation through telling stories that engage, inspire, entertain and cause new thought about what's possible
Hey Jonathan Sir you haven't forgot me have u sir? I haven't..Working on a new story right now..and don't forget I'm still learning the ropes though I'm attracting people who've already been there which is what it takes :)
ok sir it is what it is//////////always blessings
Chris... If producers are becoming obsolete who is in charge of production? My personal goals are to help conceive while collaborating on projects while actively being involved with the production process which plays heavily to my strengths and background.
Chris you are so spot on here. Ted's blog on the film makers bizarro world really brings home the currently situation. Studios have become corporations now, and given how the theatrical and dvd world is imploding, they are simply behaving in their best interests to survive. They're expecting people to walk through their doors with highly profitable risk free business plans with nothing more than the hope of credit and a tiny return; it's absurd not because the studios are choosing to bite the hands that feed them but because they have to. Hopefully video on demand will be the saviour for many of us.
That's some fascinating insight Chris, I really appreciate you taking time to write it :)
Chris...very authoritative and clear..Just curious how you are so dialed in on the heartbeat.. And also happy to read your last sentence as I'm a firm believer in possibility through innovation and collaboration.