Screenwriting : Screenwriter is needed ! by Danny Desireé

Danny Desireé

Screenwriter is needed !

Young and talented screenwriter is needed to work on a new short from England , no budget yet for this short . Thank you!

D Marcus

What is your age limit?

Monique Mata

Why "young"?

Marvin Willson

Yeah! And why talented?.. D'oh!

Kevin Dombrowski

Yeah, what is your age limit? I don't think I qualify a young much anymore, but I'm happy to talk.

Allison Bruning

I would be interested in learning more.

D Marcus

Me too. That's why I want to know what the age cut off is. I suspect I'm to old for this.

Erik Bernard


Lee Smith

I would love to hear the details on this

Marvin Willson

The most talented screenwriters tend to be older. The best storytellers draw on life experiences.

Ashley Jacoby

I'm interested.

D Marcus

Anyone heard anything from Danny?

Pierre Langenegger

Yeah, why young?

Danny Desireé

Very reasonable ! I'll edit it all , there is no producer yet for this project and that's why I thought young screenwriters are the best for this short , my age is 34 years old and it would be rude to edit everything including serious changes when I work with older screenwriter , I dislike such moments !

D Marcus

It isn't rude to work with a screenwriter to get what you (the director) wants. Some young screenwriters feel their work is sacrosanct (well, so do some old ones) and not a word can be changed. Older (or just more experienced) writers know the screenplay is changed all the way from the first meeting with the director, to the production to the editing room. They call it collaboration, not rude.

Pierre Langenegger

Agreed. It's not rude at all. Is it your project? Will the writer be writing your story? If that's the case, you own it and you make the changes as you see fit and if not, it's a collaboration and you work together to come up with a product you both like and agree upon. The fact that you're wanting to select a young writer because you don't want to offend anyone tells me that you're really unsure of what you are doing and, as D Marcus is saying, I think you have it the wrong way around.

Kelvin Thompson

What's the short about?

Alex Garcia

I'm interested

Danny Desireé

I was clear about one particular point ! the short is about an invasion by Aliens .

Danny Desireé

Turning in circles ?!

Charmaine Gordon- Foley

I would love to be apart of this project.

Charmaine Gordon- Foley

how old do need to be.

Danny Desireé

if its easy for you to move your creative mind outside the solar system then age is not important anymore , sometimes you lose age the same way as everybody here lose weight , move with the speed of light but not before sending me your work . here is my e-mail Project Aliens Fighters

D Marcus

I agree; age isn't important. You specifically asked for someone "young". What is the age range you will consider?

Danny Desireé


D Marcus

I figured. I missed the cut off. Can't write with you.

Amate Brian

I have another that can do.

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