Hello, my name is Tyler Gist. I'm a 23 year old comedian, musician, writer, actor, and bartender living in Boston. I have recently finished my first comedy screen play and I would very much like to film it and then post it online. If the responses are good, hopefully I can then pitch it to agents, TV executives, studios, investors, etc. The style of my writing is similar the show, "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" or "Workaholics." The cast is composed of seven main characters. There are six guys and one girl. All relatively the same age (21-30 years old). I myself will be acting in it with you guys. I'll be playing the character, Tyler (original right?). I'm sure it will be a very fun experience for everyone involved in the production. If you are interested, please e-mail me or send me a message and I will send you the script and we can go from there :) Cheers -Tyler
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Post this in Job Listings, Tyler. Good luck.