Introduce Yourself : Blue Phoenix Productions by Pascal Zois

Pascal Zois

Blue Phoenix Productions

Hello, Excited to be among so many like minded people. I am a young producer, started my own production company 1.5 years ago but have probably done over 40 projects by now. I've produced a workout DVD for Roots Canada, gone to Africa and acted as a one man crew filming a documentary, put a short film in the local theater and sold it out. In between features shorts and other fictional projects I like to do a lot of corporate and special event work to keep me busy. I own a decent amount of equipment and with school finishing up next month i can't wait to dive right in. Lots of collaborating available here, don't be shy to ask me anything, Cheers.

Reece Elisabeth

Congrats Pascal on accomplishing so much in so little time.

Padma Narayanaswamy

Glad to know you .

Kabir Singh

Beautiful to see you living those dreams man. I am a Voice Actor, if I can help collaborate/audition, please let me know.

Shea Christian Reinke

Interested in doing a project in Kansas?

Pascal Zois

Thanks Kabir :) I'll keep you in mind with some things coming up! Shea, sounds interesting, shoot me a message with more details when you can.

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