I'm new to this forum -- hi. I'm curious if there are any writing groups, or those who share work for feedback. If so, I'd be interested in reading others works, giving "hopefully" valuable feedback, and would love the same. All my scripts are WGAE registered, and would prefer any I read are as well. If anyone could guide me the "write" way I'd appreciate it. Happy Tuesday
Hey Dave, I can tell you first hand that dozens of writing groups have been formed here on 32 since we launched over 2 years ago. You're on the right track, my friend.
Anyone? Bueller?
Where are you located?
NYC area. Hopefully that won't matter in the world of technology
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I think that the writing critique group concept is very worthwhile. I’ve been involved in some and started a couple myself. Unfortunately your group will mostly be comprised of wannabes who have not yet figured out that writing is hard work and that writing well is very hard work. You need to be careful about the “valuable feedback.” Members must leave their ego outside and concentrate on the writing only: Real feedback cannot be taken personally. I now only like the eye-to-eye critique groups where you receive feedback and can ask why. Best of luck with it.
Doug, I've had award winning actors, screenwriters who've made millions, as well as "wannabes" read my scripts. They ALL can provide valuable feedback. Weeding out the value of applicable feedback is my job. My post was not asking for critique of those in this forum, it was to learn interest in writing groups. Seems like this isn't the forum for a seasoned pro like yourself. Happy Sunday!
I'd like to form one. Any others for a script act by act rotation every week? I need 2 more people. Two of us already!
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Depends where you live. In LA, New York, Santa Barbara, SF Bay Area, of course there are screenwriting groups. In Chokachicken Arkansas? I doubt it.
I don't think it's always absolutely necessary that your group consist mostly (or only) of screenwriters. For longer than I'd care to admit, I've belonged to a writer's group of four completely different types of writers (one does non-fiction exclusively, another writes biting satire, the third is exclusively a screenwriter, and I write for film, TV, the stage, the non-fiction book market, and the novel market). The point is I feel this variegated mix of writers provides me with a more genuinely "audience" type of POV rather than merely another screenwriter's estimation. Think of it as reading to John Q. Public. After all, they are representative of the people who'll "hopefully" be paying to see your screenplay when it becomes film.
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I'd like to form one also. Mind if I join?
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Steve Einhorn, Bo Bigelow... I need one more to make it a 4 week rotation. Any takers for the last spot?
I'm in. Shoot me a private message to organize. Please note I'll be on vacation for 2 weeks starting Tuesday but can use that to read scripts.
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PS -- Is LOVE to read scripts -- however they MUST be registered with the WGA. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Happy Sunday!
Great. Steve, Bo and Dave... Sending a PV message in a few.
Hey Dan, the link sends me to a 404 page :(
Jason... waiting for the 4th member to confirm. Send me your email please.
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Dave - If you haven't found a feedback source, I'm interested in sharing the first 10 pages of my feature in exchange for the same for you - similar to how a manager or studio would approach a read. I'm still trying to figure out this site and how to get/give feedback to other writers, so your post caught my eye. Thanks.
I would also like to be in a writing group. I semi-frequent zoetrope.com, but I'm hearing from long time members, the nature of the site has changed and where there was once 100s of scripts to read, now it's down to 15 at most and much of it they say is tit-for-tat type reviewing. I'd rather have something honest, even if it's painful. However, I do not have a full complete script done. I have two in development, one being written (about 50% done on first draft), the other I'm laying the skeleton to.
I'm in that and backed out. 4 full scripts to critique b4 u get some feedback. Laborious.
Anna, it is kind of fair. It's that or pay for a critique, but you're right. It is laborious. I've read four scripts so far and only one of them kept me engaged enough to read it cover to cover. So many of them were scripts first, stories second. That's the wrong way to approach it.
@Dan Yes it does. Thanks!