Acting : Looking for Voice for our next book by Shah Peerally

Shah Peerally

Looking for Voice for our next book

Anybody interested in Audio Books and Audio Theater. Please let me know

Kathrynne Wolf

I have been looking into Audio Books as an extension of the voiceover work I've done. I had a look at your site, but did not quickly see a call for submissions, or a way to submit demos/resumes and such. Any guidance, there?

Charissa Gilmore Duff

Yes, I'm very interested how do I audition?

Shah Peerally

Please post the sample of your voice using or -

Emily Verdict

I just put up an audition piece! feedback would be great. It is a commercial read!

Bobby E. Erickson (BobbyE)

Hello Shah - do you still need VO talent for this project? Please feel free to review my information, and contact me as needed. Thanks in advance - Respectfully.

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