Hello everyone, My name is Randa Nassar, A Palestinian Dutch filmmaker from The Netherlands. I am writing, directing and producing my own films. I love to tell stories that bridge a gap with the Western and Arabic World. They are Universal character driven stories. I studied directing and started writing myself because I could not find someone who could write the stories that I wanted to tell and have started producing them. My dream is to continue working on my films with a strong International team with no restricted borders and just make great movies. I am planning to move to LAto learn the different way of film making then we use in Europe and then we use in Holland. Feel free to connect. Kind Regards
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I work out of Oman. I'm from Hollywood but my parents are from Holland
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Hi Mark, nice meeting you. I see that you studied at the AFI. Spreek je ook Nederlands?
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Thanks for sharing, Randa! Great post!
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Thank you Richard! You're welcome ;)